Well, I'm little behind in posting this announcement, but I've been published in a cookbook!
I was contacted several months ago by someone from Slattery Media Group, asking if I'd like to be a part of a cookbook devoted to featuring bloggers. It sounded like an amazing opportunity, and I jumped at the chance.
I'm so glad I did. The book is beautiful - it has full-color photos of every single recipe - and is filled with many recipes that I'm anxious to try! Many bloggers in the book I was already familiar with - such as Steamy Kitchen, Honey and Jam, La Tartine Gourmande and Sprouted Kitchen to name a few - but there are many more that are new to me, so I'm excited to start looking them up!
If you'd like to purchase a copy for yourself, just follow this link (the price is in Australian dollars which is almost the same as US dollars):
In other news, I bought a house! It needs work, but it will be a wonderful home for me and my little ones when it's finished. We're moving to Iowa next week, and hoping to be living in the house by the end of next month.
So, new kitchen means finally getting back to my neglected blog! Yea! Or starting a new one under a different name. I'm not sure I can still be Blue Ridge Baker while living in Iowa.