Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Coconut Butter Thins

I have been reading the blog Tuesdays with Dorie for some weeks now, and I am obsessed. It is a group of bakers who are making their way through "Baking, From My Home to Yours" by Dorie Greenspan. It is an incredibly beautiful and mouth-watering cookbook, and every week one member of the blog gets to choose the recipe that all of the other members bake. Then on Tuesday of every week, the bakers post photos and stories of how the recipe went for them. I want desperately to be a member, but they aren't accepting any new ones at the moment. So, I've decided to unofficially bake along with them. Hopefully they'll open up their membership soon, and I can become an official Tuesdays with Dorie baker. For now, this is my version of this week's TWD recipe. Apparently, it is coconut week... For the recipe, click here.

These cookies are heavenly. The dough is possibly the most delicious cookie dough I have ever tasted. The aroma alone is almost satisfying enough. They call for macadamia nuts, but I'm not the biggest fan of macadamias, and I didn't have any, so I used cashews. I thought they worked great. I know some of the TWD bakers substituted lemon for lime zest, but I think it was the lime that really made the cookie. It gave it such a tropical freshness. Mmmmm... I couldn't taste the coriander - the recipe calls for "a pinch" - which I found slightly disappointing, so the next time I make them - and I assure you there will be a next time - I think I will add more. I had no problems with the cookies spreading too much like some of the other bakers. I thought they baked up just beautifully. In the recipe, Dorie instructs the baker to roll out the dough in a gallon size ziploc bag, then refrigerating the dough in the bag, and cutting it into squares. Instead, I formed the dough into a roll and refrigerated it, cutting off cookies and baking them as I want them. I highly recommend these cookies and will certainly be making them with some frequency. 

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful job! Hopefully they'll open up membership again soon and you can join!
