Sunday, April 12, 2009

Sweet Melissa Sundays: Brooklyn Brownout Cake

I'm becoming a cake convert. This week's recipe for the Sweet Melissa Sunday bakers is for a delicious, dense, decadent chocolate cake filled with a brownie and ganache mixture, and topped with ganache. There isn't much you could do to make this cake more chocolaty. Right up my alley. I'll post the brownie recipe I used later this week. I baked this cake in two rectangular pans - one large, one small - and made two squareish cakes. 

So, I was a bit off my game today when making this cake. For starters, I forgot to measure my hot coffee, and ended up pouring too much in - I'm not sure how much, but I think it was around 1/4 cup or so. I compensated by adding an extra 2 tablespoons of flour. It seemed to work, because the cake was moist and delicious and done in 35 minutes exactly. Then I had a ganache mishap - not once but twice! I've made perfect ganache many times, but I just couldn't do it today. I think I over-mixed it, because it started separating and getting very oily. I used it anyway, and after the cake was refrigerated for about 30 minutes it firmed up nicely. Though there were some whitish spots where the oily parts of the ganache had hardened... 

Elyse of Elyse's Confectionary Creations chose this week's recipe, and let me say, her cake turned out to be much, MUCH more attractive than mine... Mine is so embarrassingly ugly, I couldn't even bring myself to take a shot of the whole cake. Looks aren't everything, though, and what it lacks in beauty, it more than makes up for in taste. Thanks to Elyse for choosing this scrumptious cake. Please visit Elyse's blog for the recipe. Also, be sure to check out the cakes that the other SMS bakers made this week. 


  1. Sarah, our cakes are twins! Both with an extra 1/4 (we think!) of coffee, and made in rectangular pans. And, hey, we don't have to compare our cake with Elyse's; we can stand proud in the deliciousness of our creations!!

  2. Wow, your cake looks so good Sarah, love the rectangular shape. I don't think it is ugly at all. Thanks for baking with us, i fixed the link to your blog on the bakers page.

  3. I think your cake looks wonderful; it looks kind of like a giant brownie and that's awesome.

  4. No way! Your cake is gorgeous, and I just love the close up shot. YAY!!! You're becoming a cake convert!! Hope you had a great weekend :)

  5. That is not "embarrassingly ugly!" It looks grand and statuesque! So tall and firm, and who care how it looks as long as it tastes as sinfully delicious as it sounds! :)

  6. Well, I think your cake slice looks gorgeous. Man, I loved this cake. Maybe a little too much. I'm glad it is all gone.

  7. That is definitely NOT an ugly cake! I love that yours is square - so pretty! Glad you enjoyed it :)

  8. Don't worry; I thought my cake was really ugly too! But it tasted so good I stopped caring!

  9. Awh, it looks lovely. Like a giant brownie :D

    Katie xox

  10. I don't know, it looks pretty darn tasty from here.

  11. Yours looks so moist and fudgy! I want to eat it all over again.

  12. yours looks very good in that picture! so much prettier than mine came out!

  13. I agree - this cake was hard to make pretty! haha

  14. I agree - this cake was hard to make pretty haha!
