Thursday, May 7, 2009

French Pear Tart

Though not the most attractive photo - I'm always taking them at night after my kids are asleep when there is absolutely no light left - this was a delicious tart. My husband's favorite of everything I've made lately. This was another dessert that I saw on all of the TWDers blogs and thought I just had to make. Also, Dorie herself was given the opportunity to pick a recipe for the TWD bakers and this was her choice. 

Unfortunately, my pears were mealy and had lots of bad spots in them and were pretty flavorless, but the tart turned out fabulously in spite of them. There should have been more pear spokes and they should have been thicker than they are, but after cutting out all of the bad spots, there wasn't much pear left... To make up for the lack of sweetness in the pears, I sprinkled them with sugar before baking the tart. There are also instructions in the recipe for poaching the pears in a sugar syrup, but I started so late at night, I just didn't have the extra time. This step would have also remedied my pear problem. 

I seem to say this about everything I bake, but it was easy and delicious. The crust was fabulous, and the almond cream was fast to make - it is done in a food processor - and superb. 

I didn't make any changes to the recipe, however mine cooked in only 38 minutes - a full 12 minutes shorter than the low end of the baking time given. My oven doesn't run hot, so I'm not sure what the explanation for this is. I'm just glad I checked on it before my timer went off!

You can find the recipe for this wonderful tart on Dorie's blog, In the Kitchen and on the Road with Dorie.

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