Friday, May 29, 2009

Strawberry Yogurt Cake

After seeing Deb's Raspberry Buttermilk Cake over at Smitten Kitchen, I knew what I would be making for Memorial Day! 

I made a few changes - some intentional, some as necessity:

I subbed strawberries for raspberries, as they are in season, and I had a lot of sweet local ones on hand; I added a heaping 1/2 teaspoon of ground cardamom, though the flavor didn't come through as much as I had hoped it would - next time I'll add more; I omitted the zest, because I had no lemons - if I had had lemons I would have used the zest instead of the cardamom; I subbed homemade yogurt for the buttermilk, as that was all I had.

I loved this cake. The thing that took the longest was washing and cutting the strawberries. Other than that it was fast to prepare and bake - only 25 minutes!

I love the thinness of this cake. You can eat it like pizza - no fork necessary. It is also delicious with a big dollop of fresh whipped cream.

I will definitely be making this again - it has a lot of room in it for playing around - so many possibilities!

1 comment:

  1. YUM! This cake looks fabulous. I love that you used strawberries in it. How delicious! I actually have strawberries in my fridge right now, so I just might have to make this. And I also love that you added cardomom. Yum!
