Sunday, May 17, 2009

Sweet Melissa Sundays: Guinness Gingerbread

Oh, how to begin... I wasn't terribly excited to make this - cake has to be pretty exciting to win me over - but I was hoping that it would be fabulous and surprise me - after all ginger and molasses are some of my favorites. Unfortunately, it didn't. It was just very bland. 

Some of the other SMS bakers mentioned that the ginger didn't come through enough, and since love ginger, I added an additional 3/4 tsp, bringing the total to 3 tsps. I should have doubled it, or added crystalized ginger or ginger juice, or all of the above, because I couldn't taste the ginger at all. I also couldn't taste the molasses. I love molasses as well, and use a really incredible locally made variety. The flavor is wonderful and not bitter at all like some I've bought at the health food store, so perhaps that is why I couldn't taste it. 

I doubt I'll make this again, but if I do, I'll probably cut out the sugar entirely and use all molasses. 

I did enjoy the gingerbread greatly when topped with fresh whipped cream and local strawberries, though the strawberries and whipped cream alone probably would have been equally as satisfying... Ah well...

Other SMS bakers did wonderful things with ice cream and buttercream and ganache, you name it - I'm sure any of those things would have improved my experience greatly...

Thanks to the delightful Katie of Katiecakes for this week's pick. You can find the recipe on her blog. Be sure to look at the gingerbreads by all of the other SMS bakers


  1. I used to think that gingerbread is a common flavor. When someone says gingerbread, everyone thinks of the same thing. I never heard of Guinness beer added into the recipe nor the variations enjoyed by each member of the group. I thought it was wonderful how you made your gingerbread take on the look of Spring and maybe you will find friends who like this variation of gingerbread =). Thank you for the welcome.

  2. Such a nice idea having the gingerbread with strawberries. I know what you mean about it being quite bland, it just wasn't gingery enough for me :)

    Katie xox

  3. I didn't care for it, either. But your gingerbread looks great!

  4. I was hoping this would be a stand alone gingerbread but I had to add ice cream to make it special. I found another recipe that included grated fresh ginger, will comment after I try it. Yours looks great with the strawberries, yummy!

  5. Sorry it was bland. My mom thought it coulda used more ginger too.

  6. I've never thought of gingerbread strawberry shortcake before! What a great idea!

  7. I love seeing everyone's different interpretations. The strawberries on top look perfect!

  8. I'm sorry that this gingerbread didn't quite float your boat. I think part of the reason that I liked mine so much was because I topped it with a Godiva Guinness cream cheese frosting :) Sorry that I've been an absent commenter; I just finished up my law school exams and am finally getting around to my google reader.

  9. It looks great with the berries and whipped cream. I totally agree with you about it needing extra ginger.

  10. Sorry this didn't do it for ya, but the strawberries and cream look awesome.
