Monday, July 27, 2009

The Daring Bakers: (vegetarian) Mallows

The Daring Bakers challenge for this month was our choice of two Gale Gand cookie recipes: mallows - chocolate covered marshmallow cookies - or milanos (of Pepperidge Farm fame), or both. I have been on a mission to make vegetarian marshmallows for the past couple of months - I've tried 3 versions containing agar agar with no success - so I went for the mallows, hoping for a marshmallow miracle. And a marshmallow miracle I received.

My excitement has been rather hard to contain, actually. I'm a life-long vegetarian, though I did used to eat marshmallows as a kid - I don't think my mom knew what gelatin was, exactly. I didn't eat them often - only on camping trips, really, but oh how I loved a toasted marshmallow, and don't even get me started on s'mores... I have no idea when the last time I had a marshmallow was, but let me tell you it was a long time ago. A very long time ago.

Here is the miraculous vegetarian marshmallow recipe:

Marshmallows with Xanthan

by Elizabeth Falkner (Demolition Desserts)

• 60 mL water
• pinch of cream

of tartar
• 255 g sugar, granulated
• 255 g light corn syrup
• ½ vanilla bean
• 85 g egg white

s (about 3 egg whites)
• 5 g xanthan (0.76%)

Grind xanthan with a tablespoon of sugar. Set aside. Heat water, cream of tartar, remaining sugar, corn syrup and vanilla to 120ÂșC. Discard vanilla bean. Whisk egg whites for about 2 min until still soft. Continue whipping egg whites at slow speed while adding syrup slowly. Sprinkle xanthan mix while still whipping. Turn speed up and continue mixing for 2-3 min or until meringue pulls away from sides. Sprinkle a pan or baking sheet generously with cornstarch and spread out the meringue. Sprinkle top with cornstarch, cover with plastic and leave to set for 4 hours in a refrigerator. Cut marshmallows into desired shapes and dip cut surfaces in cornstarch.

I made these marshmallows yesterday, and since then I have been happily nibbling on them, toasting them on a fork over the flame on my stove, and tonight I had s'mores with homemade graham crackers. More on those tomorrow. These marshmallows are delicious.

Ah, but the reason for this post - the mallows. I must admit, I haven't tasted them yet, as my chocolate glaze is still setting. All of the components are delicious on their own, so I'm sure the cookies will be a big hit. They were fun and easy to make, and something very new and different for me as well. I'll post more pics when the chocolate is set.

The marshmallows were not entirely perfect - they stayed pretty gooey, even after a couple of days, so I'm going to play around with the recipe a bit, but they will most certainly be making frequent appearances in my house from now on. The possibilities are endless!!!

The July Daring Bakers' challenge was hosted by Nicole at Sweet Tooth. She chose Chocolate Covered Marshmallow Cookies and Milan Cookies from pastry chef Gale Gand of the Food Network.


  1. Hi, Your marshmallow cookies look great. We recently bought some Sweet and Sara's brand vegan marshmallows to make s'mores while camping. Mmmmm.....
    Peace, Stephanie

  2. Sarah - your mallows look perfect. I haven't had one in years either and i remember they were sooooo good.

    I did milan cookies instead - disappointing.

  3. Your cookies are amazing!! I love that you made veggie marshmallows. I've seen that recipe but have not tried it yet. My attempts at vegan marshmallows have been semi-successful.
