Wednesday, July 15, 2009

TWD: Brioche Peach Tart (one day late)

This week's TWD recipe was actually for a brioche plum tart, which I was excited to try, but alas the plums I purchased four days in advance hadn't ripened enough to use. I see some more roasted plum ice cream in my future, so I'm not complaining. Luckily, I found some gorgeous, ripe, sweet SC peaches. They worked beautifully.

This was a breeze to make, and even breezier to eat. I'm so glad that I'm involved in all of these baking groups, because without them who knows when I would have ever made brioche, and now I've made it three times!

This is a really yummy rustic-looking dessert, and one that was really easy to make sugar-free: I replaced the sugar in the brioche with agave, and just drizzled a little more on top of the peaches once they were arranged on the dough. As I said, I used peaches for the fruit; there is a layer of jam under the fruit, and for that I chose raspberry; for the nuts on top I went with almonds. It all worked together beautifully.

I was surprised at how quickly the crust browned, however. Dorie says to tent the tart at 20 min (in a 425 oven) but I checkd on mine at 15 minutes, and it was deep, deep brown already. Next time I make this, I'll tent it at 5 or 10 minutes.

Tune in tomorrow for basil ice cream (seen above)!

Thanks to Denise of Chez Us for choosing this recipe, you can find it on her blog.


  1. AH!! Your tart is lovely. LOve the way you fixed the peaches. Beautiful.

  2. You made basil ice cream? How yummy! I love your peach tart and I was in the same boat with unripe plums. I can not wait for the basil ice cream posting =D

  3. I think that's the prettiest tart I've seen this week! South Carolina peaches are so amazing (and I say this as a Georgian...) and I'll bet they were fab with the raspberry jam.

    That basil ice cream was already on my list for this week (my basil crop is burgeoning!) - hope you give it a favorable report!!

  4. Basil ice cream?!? Fantastic! Great job on this one. Looks mighty good.
