Friday, August 21, 2009

Salted White Chocolate Oatmeal Cookies

I have found cookie heaven.

Smitten Kitchen is one of my favorite food blogs, and I frequently kill time with the "surprise me" feature, whereby a random recipe from Deb's archives pops up, most of which I email to myself. This is one such recipe.

As soon as I saw these cookies, I knew they must be made sooner than later. Oh ho ho, was I right... Deb calls these "scandalously good", and I have to agree. It's a good thing that I sent most of them to my good friend Karen, because they are dangerous to have around.

Karen just finished law school, took the bar and got engaged, so I put together a little baked goods care package for her - more recipes throughout the week...

These have definitely made it into my top 5 cookies of all time. They are buttery, chewy from the oats, a little crunchy around the edges, and every bite or so you get a sweet creamy chunk of white chocolate - I used Green & Black's; it has flecks of vanilla bean in it and it is unbelievably delicious. Then to top it all off, they are lightly sprinkled with coarse sea salt - such as fleur de sel. They are perfect.

Make them. You won't be sorry. Unless you have no one to mail them to and end up eating them all yourself...

The recipe is here, on Deb's site.

1 comment:

  1. I have missed so many of your posts over the past month or so, but intend to take an hour or so and see what you've been baking. These look great - love the oatmeal and the salt!! (but might have to use regular chocolate. The white stuff is too sweet for me)
