Sunday, August 30, 2009

SMS: Fresh Raspberry-Peach Muffins

This week for Sweet Melissa Sundays, JoVonn of The Givens Chronicles chose Fresh Peach Muffins for all of us to make. I actually managed to buy peaches in advance so that they would have a chance to ripen, so I thought I was really ahead of the game this week.

Of the 5 peaches I bought, 4 of them molded overnight on my countertop. I have had terrible luck with peaches this summer - with stone fruits in general, actually. When it came time to make the muffins, I had about 3/4 cup of diced peaches. Luckily had some raspberries in the fridge, so I tossed those in. All in all, I probably had about 1 1/3 cups of fruit.

I used palm sugar in these, as has become my habit - it works perfectly in place of cane sugar and has a glycemic index of only 35.

The batter was very thick. The instructions said that depending on how juicy your fruit was, you may not need all of the milk - 1/2 cup. Since I had extra fruit and very juicy raspberries, I thought I may only need half of the milk, but such was not the case. In it all went.

Other SMSers had problems with their muffins being dense and heavy. Mine were slightly dense, though not unpleasantly so. They were a bit dry, however. I think they could be improved on by using peach puree in place of the milk. I did wish for more peach flavor, though when I got a bite with peach in it, it was so delicious. Of course, having the appropriate amount of peaches would have solved this problem... Using a puree would also enhance the peach flavor.

Thanks to JoVonn for picking this recipe. You can find it here on her blog, or buy the book The Sweet Melissa Baking Book. Take a look here to see what the other SMSers baked up this week.


  1. I think the puree idea is great. Maybe next time when I have peaches, I'll do that instead of cutting them all into small pieces.

  2. I bet the combination of raspberry and peach was great. The peach purée is a good idea. Thank you for baking with me.

  3. It sounds like we all had a lot of muffin dough! Im glad though, cus it sure was tasty! Your muffins look wonderful and I love the idea of adding raspberries too.

  4. MMMMmmmmm raspberries!!! Looks fantastic. i didnt think mine were that dense either -- not light & fluffy but not heavy either.

  5. Raspberries sound like a lovely addition, the muffins look great! Peaches are so difficult to get at the right time; mine looked fine, but one was moldy inside.

  6. peaches + raspberries sound great!

  7. Oooooooh peach + raspberry. Sounds like a delicious combo.

    Thanks for checking out the Sate Fair results! If you email me your email address, I'll email you the recipe source for the 2 items you mentioned :o) I will not be posting the recipes (too much work, so little time).

  8. your raspberry addition sounds (and looks!!) so tasty! As does the palm sugar sub - I'm definitely going to try that, what a great idea.. xx
    PS I'm still salivating over your brownie cheesecake post (I'm surfing in the wrong direction sorry..!) xx

  9. Ooooh, peaches and raspberries, YUM! My muffins were a bit dense and definitely didn't have as much peach flavor as I'd hoped for so I echo your sentiment about the peach puree. Next time :) Your muffins look perfect!
