Sunday, August 9, 2009

SMS: Snickerdoodles

Snickerdoodles. Such a strange name for the simple little cookie with the telltale cinnamon-sugar topping. I haven't eaten many snickerdoodles in my life, though I do enjoy them, so I was looking forward to making them for SMS this week. I'm rather sleep-deprived and a little loopy, so I'll be keeping this short and sweet.

I'm in Florida right now visiting my husband's family, so I had a lot more taste-tasters than usual. These cookies were a huge hit.

They taste exactly as I remember a snickerdoodle tasting, and the texture is perfect: soft, chewy, and very addictive. Luckily, there were more taste-testers than usual...

This week was hosted by Spike of Spike Bakes, where you can find the recipe for these cookies.


  1. love the beach in the background. It makes me a bit jealous. Have fun on your vacation.

  2. oooooooh, loving the picture with the beach in the background! enjoy your vacation!!

  3. Have a great trip! Your cookies look amazing!

  4. Oh man I'm so jealous of the picture with the beach in the background....hope you have a great vacation :) Your cookies look terrific - glad they were a hit!

  5. Yum very good looking cookies and the backgroud shot is perfect! I loved this recipe too!

  6. Glad everyone liked them! Thanks for baking with me.

  7. Great background for a great cookie!

  8. Oh. The beach in the background is calling my name. These look like the perfect beach treat cookies!

  9. Cookies at the beach!!! That's great!

  10. Your cookies look lovely and so does that beach in the background! Hope you're having a nice vacation.

  11. Wow - like everyone else, I'm loving the background view! I'm glad these cookies were a hit with your large group of taste-testers.

  12. Hi Sarah!

    Oh my goodness, what a picture with the snickerdoodles and beach in the background! What a perfect way to spend an afternoon, eating cookies and enjoying that gorgeous view. I'm glad they were a hit with your family. Have lots of fun on the rest of your trip!

    Hope to hear from you again soon :)


  13. Like the tropical background! Your cookies look great.

  14. Beautiful - especially that last picture! Glad you liked these cookies!
