Tuesday, September 22, 2009

TWD: Cottage Cheese Pufflets + a Giveaway!

When I read the name for these little treats, I pictured a savory, rustic looking ball containing whole cottage cheese. The recipe had caught my eye several times while perusing The Book, and every time, I read Dorie's words with surprise. She says that she had the recipe for these in one of her first kitchen notebooks, and that the only note next to them was "delicious". Honestly, even that endorsement by Dorie wasn't enough to make me read through the recipe - if I had I would have found out that they are actually refined little jam-filled triangles. I don't love cottage cheese, and couldn't imagine it in a baked good. It was not with a lot of excitement, then, that I set out to make them. I should have had more faith in Dorie...

I read on the TWD P&Q that people were having a lot of trouble with their dough. It was sticky, soft and finicky, it needed multiple refrigerations, etc... I decided to drain most of the liquid out of my cottage cheese in order to hopefully combat these problems. Well, it must have worked, because I found the dough really easy to work with, and not unusually sticky at all.

I replaced the sugar in the dough with agave, and filled my pufflets with sugar-free sour cherry jam. If you don't know this already, I have never given my almost 3 year old son refined sugar, so whenever I am making something that I would give him were it sugar-free - basically anything that isn't chocolate - I make it that way.

They pufflets came out of the oven golden, puffed and looking quite yummy!

These were not my favorite jam-filled treats - I would rather have a rugelach any day - but they were pretty tasty, and my son loved them. What more can I ask?

The pufflets were chosen by Jacque of Daisy Lane Cakes, where you can find the recipe for them. To see how everyone else's pufflets turned out, look here.

Also, I'm having a giveaway to celebrate my 100th post. Details are here.


  1. Your pufflets look fabulous! I missed the tip about draining the cottage cheese. Maybe I will try these again.

  2. Loved the tip about draining the cottage cheese...I didn't have any trouble with my dough either and I think that is why. There was a lot of liquid that came out overnight in the frig. Your pufflets look beautiful. Very interesting about your son and the sugar, I was wondering about that since you mentioned it before and I thought maybe he had some sort of sugar allergy or something. Interesting to hear how you have done that these past years.

  3. Oh, Sarah, your pufflets look perfect. Bakery perfect -- I'm actually really, really jealous. What kind of cottage cheese did you use? I used Organic Valley 2% and I drained it, but my dough was still so dang sticky. Maybe I'll try agave next time. Anyway, your pufflets look so perfect and lovely with that cherry jam. I'm sorry that you didn't like them more.

  4. They look really nice! And it's so great that you didn't have problems working with the dough. I agree that rugelach is tastier.

  5. I wish I would have drained my cottage cheese. Great idea. Your pufflets are picture perfect.

  6. Ooh, yours look great. Love that you used agave and wow, your son has never had refined sugar! You rock then. ;)

  7. sarah, your pufflets are beautiful. Nice and brown and flaky.

    I drained my cc also and I think it helped. Dough was not wet.

    Thanks for coming by for a visit.

  8. Beautiful little pufflets! I drained my cottage cheese too and used a fresh cottage cheese, and I didn't have trouble with the dough either. I agree rugelach is yummier, maybe it's the extra goodies, though.

  9. Beautiful! You take some of the best pictures. You make everything look delightful.
    I have never used agave but I am really interested in it.

  10. those look good! pretty impressive that they're made with agave...i'm never sure how to sub sugar for other sweeteners...

  11. You definitely achieved pufflet perfection! Look at those puffy lil triangles!! When all is said and done, I agree: rugelach beats pufflets.

  12. I'm sorry that they weren't your favorite, but they sure look great!

  13. good tip on draining the cottage cheese.
    i like the little slit you did. very pretty.

  14. I didn't have any trouble with the dough either- maybe we got lucky! glad your son liked them
