Sunday, November 15, 2009

SMS: Butter Toffee Crunch

I was raised by a single mom. It was just the two of us, and I was fine with that. My parents divorced when I was very young, so I really have no memories of all of us being together.

When I was 10 my dad remarried. We lived in different states, so I didn't see my dad too often, but I loved going to visit him in Wisconsin. He would drive to Iowa (where I grew up) to pick me up and drive me back to Wisconsin. Sometimes on our drive I would sing entire musicals from start to finish - we had several hours to kill.

Once in Wisconsin, I actually spent a lot of time by myself. I was fine with that, too. I could always find a way to keep myself busy; drawing, making jewelry, hand-sewing a quilt, designing clothes, and making toffee.

I didn't use a recipe, I just tossed a lot of butter and sugar in a pan and cooked it for a long time. I didn't use a candy thermometer, and I didn't really know what I was doing - I was only 12 though, so cut me some slack - so sometimes it was crunchy, sometimes chewy with unmelted sugar crystals. I poured it into a buttered pan and when it cooled a bit, I slathered it in melted chocolate.

It has been at least 15 years since the last time I made my toffee, so imagine my delight when I read through this week's SMS pick, and found that it was very similar to my childhood concoction!

This version uses brown sugar and vanilla for depth of flavor and baking soda, which gives the toffee an airy texture.

Thankfully, I only made 1/4 of the recipe. Even 1/4 was a lot, and it is quite a tasty thing to nibble on every time I walk through the kitchen.

I used pecans instead of almonds, as that is what I had, but that was the only change I made.

The recipe calls for taking the butter, brown sugar and a little water up to 290 degrees, but had I done so, it would have been completely burned. Even at 280 it had slightly bitter burned flavor. Maybe my thermometer isn't accurate, I don't know... Other than that, this was a really easy recipe to throw together, and a great treat to have on hand around the holidays.

Thanks to Kaitlin of Kait's Plate for this week's selection, please visit her blog for the recipe. Check out all the other SMSers toffee here.


  1. That looks perfect...after seeing all these SMS toffees, I am thinking I need to give it a go for my Christmas holiday baskets...I think it would be a nice addition, particularly if it looked as good as yours!

  2. Great post! Great looking toffee too!

  3. Your were a young candy maker! That is great looking toffee.

  4. great story. If that had been me it would never have been edible. Guess you are just a natural.

    Your toffee looks wonderful. This is perfect for gifting. I will have to try this one.

  5. Look at how perfect that is! And great story, I couldn't cook anything when I was 12, so kudos to you! ;)

  6. Wow, you were making toffee at 12?? No wonder you're such a super baker these days :) Your toffee looks excellent. I am not a toffee fan but I thought the recipe was fun to throw together and my taste tester enjoyed it.

  7. I love your story! I plan to make this sometime this week!

  8. I don't think mine quite made it to 290 either but I'm working in degrees C so not entirely sure! Took it off when it smelled like it was starting to burn... I love the story of you making candy as a child!

  9. Wow, I think it's so cool that you were making toffee at 12! And how great that you just threw the butter and brown sugar in a pan and experimented with it?! I guess I undercooked my sugar, but my thermometer said 290. Who knows? Your toffee looks gorgeous.

  10. Well, I'm seriously impressed with your toffee making skills at 12! This looks luscious.

  11. I adore toffee and would have been thrilled to have been your best friend at age 10 - or now, for that matter, if it involves taste testing a little toffee!

  12. The toffee looks yummy and that is gorgeous dish! I keep having little bits of mine too, it's hard to resist when I see it in the kitchen.

  13. I'm so glad that this brought back some childhood memories for you! I'm glad that you liked it, even if it had a slightly burnt flavour.
