Sunday, January 17, 2010

SMS: Lemon Walnut Buttermilk Pound Cake

This week's SMS selection is one that I was quite excited about. As I mentioned a couple of days ago, I love any excuse to make a quick bread!

I was slightly disappointed in this one, however.

It wasn't bad, it just wasn't as fantastic as I wanted it to be. The main problem was that it wasn't lemon-y enough, even though I used a considerably more lemon juice and zest than the recipe called for. Other changes I made were to use palm sugar in place of cane sugar and buttermilk instead of sour cream.

I will say that it was unbelievably moist, which was fantastic, and it had that wonderful caramelized crust around the edges that is always a delicious foil to the soft center of a pound cake or quick bread.

I'm not likely to make this one again, though it was tasty (and disappeared rather quickly). I just think there are probably better lemon pound cakes out there. Stay tuned over the next couple of weeks, because I'm planning on making this one sometime soon.

Thanks to Raeann of Basically, Baby Boots for hosting this week. You can find the recipe on her blog.


  1. I have to agree with you on this one. I thought it was OK, but not great. But then, I burned mine, so maybe that was the problem!!

  2. I think that mine was just too sour!

  3. Sorry it didn't turn out as great as you expected... the pictures are beautiful, though! :)

  4. Bummer you didn't like it! I made mine a little differently, but it turned out great. It seems that I chopped my nuts a lot smaller than everyone else, too. I was lazy and put them in the food processor!

  5. Sorry this one was disappointing for you! It was a big hit here.

  6. I think it is interesting that yours looks so much darker than mine. Is that the palm sugar doing that? Looks great though!

  7. Susan - Yep, it's the palm sugar making it dark!

  8. I'm sorry that you didn't love this one. It looks lovely and moist. I bet it was a nice treat.

  9. Sorry this one wasn't a favorite, but luckily there are a ton of other recipes out there so I'm sure you'll find one you love :) Your slices look great!

  10. Your photos are lovely, sorry the cake wasn't all you hoped. I didn't think it had enough lemon flavor either, I kept taking bites expecting more to come through and it didn't. Have you tried the lemon cake from Baked? I've been wanting to try that one.

  11. Sorry you didn't like it Sarah. It did get incredible color though. As for the PB/milk chocolate cookie from baked - I will be making them very soon as they sound delicious.

  12. The pictures look great! It was lovely and moist - but yes, the lemon flavour could've done with being dialled up a notch.

  13. from the headline copy...i was so excited to make this...but will not based on your comments...
    i think the lemon lemon loaf from "baked: new frontiers in baking" is a fabulous recipe...moist, good texture & freezes peeps *heart* this recipe!

  14. Linda
    Yes, I think there are definitely better lemon loaf recipes out there. I've heard great things about the one from Baked, though I haven't tried it yet. Also, the recipe I linked in my post looks amazing - it's a Dorie Greenspan recipe made by Joy the Baker - and I'll definitely be trying it out soon.

  15. thank you sarah for the reply!
    i did check out the link from joy & i will be baking that recipe too!

  16. it looks lovely, sorry the lemon wasn't strong enough
