Tuesday, February 2, 2010

TWD: Bittersweet Chocolate Mini-Bundts

I've been on the search for the perfect chocolate cake. Though I love chocolate in just about all forms, chocolate cake isn't usually my thing. It isn't ever chocolate-y enough. I am always willing to try a new recipe, however, hoping to close in on that ever-elusive perfection that I hope is out there.

I made 1/3 of the recipe, thanks to Nancy's meticulous math, and it fit nicely into one cup of my new mini bundt pan.

I read reports of a lack of chocolate flavor in this cake as written - milk chocolate, that is - so I went darker.

I topped my little cake with a ganache instead of the glaze in the book, as there were also lots of people who had issues with it.

The flavor of the cake was good - it actually tasted like chocolate - though it was a little dry. I may have over-baked it, but dryness was also a common complaint among the other TWDers, so I don't know. Nancy added some yogurt to her batter to help combat the feared dryness. Perhaps with that in mind, I'll attempt this again. We'll see how that works.

The search is still on for the perfect chocolate cake.

Thanks to Kristin from I'm Right About Everything for hosting this week. You can find the recipe on her blog.


  1. That ganache looks perfect on this cake! Good call on using darker chocolate, I really think it added to the richness. Great job! :>

  2. I used a darker chocolate too and thought it was a nice mellow chocolate flavor. The ganache looks divine, I'm sure it could help save a dry-ish cake.

  3. I used a darker chocolate as well! My cake was dry, too, so I, like you, am still on the hunt for the perfect chocolate cake recipe! Let me know if you find one! ;)

  4. It sure looks perfect to me! I know a lot of us thought it was dry, so Nancy's tip would certainly help moisten it up.

  5. You will see dry if you look at mine! I love your ganache topping..tasty!

  6. Your ganache looks gorgeous Sarah! My cake was a bit dry too but I'll almost certainly make it again because I loved the flavor.

  7. This is perfect for Valentines! I need to bu some mini bundt pans for this.

  8. Nice job, Sarah! I love the ganache on top. I actually really liked the milk chocolate version. Not that chocolatey, but still very good.

  9. I linked here from foodgawker... what a fabulous photo!


  10. Arr.. Just can't stand this..I'm a chocoholic.

  11. This is pretty. I don't know how to make cake icing look nice like that.

  12. That ganache looks amazing! Thanks for baking with me this week!
