Tuesday, May 4, 2010

TWD: Burnt Palm Sugar Ice Cream

It has been way too long since I've made ice cream. Every time I make it, I wonder why I don't do it more often, it's really so easy! I was really happy that the TWD bakers were tasked to churn some this week, because it forced me to pull out my ice cream maker for the first time in a very long time.

This is basically a caramel ice cream. First you make a simple caramel out of sugar and water, then add the rest of the ingredients to the pan, resulting in your ice cream base. Couldn't be easier!

This is a delicious, rich, deeply flavored creamy treat. One that even my little ones got to enjoy, since I used palm sugar in place of cane sugar.

Thanks so much to Becky of Project Domestication for this fun pick, the recipe can be found on her blog.

Also, my business is having a great giveaway on our Facebook page, enter here!


  1. This week's TWD forced me to get my ice cream maker out for the first time in a few months too! My main problem is that there's never enough room in the freezer for the canister... I didn't love this one but we're just not caramel ice cream people. Yours looks wonderful!

  2. We're palm sugar ice cream twins this week! Thanks for your inspiration, I've really been enjoying baking with palm sugar. I probably should have caramelized my sugar a bit more - the flavor was pretty subtle. The next batch of ice cream I made was vanilla and used the palm sugar there too. We found that it had a slight caramely flavor, so must be part of the flavor of the palm sugar.

  3. Looks just right. Beautiful color. I love making ice cream and I don't make it often enough either.

  4. Great color on your ice cream. And I love the bowl. After reading your post and Nancy's, I'm going to have to get my hands on some palm sugar so I can try it.

  5. Great presentation in that bowl. I love deep bowls like that.

  6. Great simple looking Ice Cream. That caramel color looks dark and sweet very nice.

  7. That sounds amazing! I've never tried burnt sugar icecream but I'm dying to do so after this. Mmm!
