Sunday, June 28, 2009

SMS: Double Chocolate Cherry Cookies

To say that my family is comprised of chocolate lovers would be a gross understatement. It's more like fiends, or fanatics, or devotees. I have an aunt who won't eat any dessert that isn't chocolate, because it isn't worth the calories; when the local chocolate lounge opened in Asheville, I was interviewed for an article the local paper was writing on them because I was such a regular customer; when my husband fills out forms where you pick a password and have a clue for yourself as to what that password is, he picks the question "what is your favorite food" and answers "chocolate." Though he may have to change that now... Anyway, you get the idea... So there is a high bar set for chocolate desserts in my family.

I was really excited to make these cookies, and they came together quickly and easily. They were the darkest cookie dough I've ever made, so needless to say I was anxious to taste them. They looked incredible coming out of the oven: gooey chocolate pools, the dark cracked surface that was a tiny bit crisp, the soft center. I will say that Melissa's cookies have some of the best textures of any cookies I've ever had. 

Now for the taste: I thought they were really good. Definitely something I had no trouble eating several of in a row, but there are definitely some things I would tweak. 

For a cookie that has "cherry" in the title, I thought they were a little cherry poor. I think the quantity could have been doubled easily. I like the juxtaposition of the tart chewy cherries with the dark chocolate. I cut my cherries into raisin-sized pieces, following a tip from a fellow SMSer, though I kind of wish I hadn't. Maybe then I would have gotten more of the cherry punch I was looking for. I also thought the cookies were a tad too sweet, so I will use less sugar when I make them again. I used chopped chocolate chunks instead of chips, which I loved and would definitely do again. 

These were really very good cookies, and had I not made the world peace cookies a few weeks back - another double chocolate cookie, and better than these in my opinion - they probably would have seemed even more outstanding. 

Thanks to Megan of My Baking Adventures for picking these cookies. Find the recipe on her blog.


  1. Hi,

    Yours is the third or so review for these cookies I have read, and I must say I am getting convinced I want to make these!! Thanks for the good advice. How do you keep these from your two year old?

  2. I'm glad you liked them, although I thought they were a bit on the sweet side, too. Nice work!

  3. I'm glad that these were a hit. I was actually thinking that I liked them even more than the World Peace cookies, but I haven't made those since February so I might need to do a taste off. I used whole cherries without a problem because they slice off into hunks. I agree, though, that even with the whole cherries they were a little cherry poor.

  4. I agree that the WP cookies are very good and maybe a tad better than these. These reminded me of the WP cookies, too. The texture was good and I left my cherries whole. They were a delicious surprise. Those photos of the gooey chocolate in the cookie are MOST inviting!

  5. i left my cherries whole and really enjoyed these. great job

  6. Sorry I have been MIA, I have been so busy, but it has made me feel so bad not to have time to comment. I will fix your blog link tonight. Sooo behind. Glad you liked the cookies and love the new site.

  7. Wow - those are some seriously dark cookies! I left all the cherries out, but I can understand wanting to add more, since you obviously like the cherries! Someday I hope to try them the way they were written!

  8. Your cookies look fantastic, I love how you can see the melty chocolate! The World Peace cookies are phenomenal, it would be tough to have a double chocolate cookie right after those.

  9. Stephanie,
    My son knows he's not allowed to have sugar - though he doesn't really know what it is - so when I make something with sugar I tell him it is only for big people, and he doesn't question it. It helps to always have treats around for him, too.

  10. so funny- I was thinking about the world peace cookies when eating these too and thought, maybe they need more salt?! Your cookies look great, hope the chocolate lovers enjoyed them!

  11. I cut the sugar too and thought they were still too sweet! With all the chocoalte i might go for half the sugar next time.

    Your cookies look great!

  12. Hi Sarah!

    Your cookies look mouthwatering... I LOVE the pictures with the bite taken out! Fantastic! And that's a beautiful platter too. I agree, these cookies were gorgeously dark, and so far the SMS cookies have had fabulous textures. Thanks so much for stopping by my site and saying hello, and I hope to talk to you again after the next postings! I hope you and your family (of chocolate lovers!) have a wonderful week.


  13. Your cookies look great! If I was at home I would have added a bit of cherry extract to the dough.

  14. I am a total sucker for melty chocolate shots! I love that last picture - your cookies look delicious!

  15. i love your presentation on those leafy plates - beautiful! and a CHOCOLATE LOUNGE?!?!?! I'm moving there.

  16. I made these [] two weeks ago, and oh my! Similar recipes and probably equally as rich and wonderful.


