Saturday, June 27, 2009

The Daring Bakers: Bakewell Tart

The June Daring Bakers' challenge was hosted by Jasmine of Confessions of a Cardamom Addict and Annemarie of Ambrosia and Nectar. They chose a Traditional (UK) Bakewell Tart... er... pudding that was inspired by a rich baking history dating back to the 1800's in England.

I love almond desserts, so I was looking forward to making this one. 

The bakewell tart is comprised of three elements: a sweet shortcrust pastry, a layer of jam and an almond frangipane filling. All three are quite simple - especially if using store-bought jam - so I was expecting an effortless evening of baking when I set forth with this recipe. Not so. 

The crust went well enough, except that it was so wet once the eggs were in that I omitted water altogether. Also, it was difficult to roll out - even after over an hour in the fridge - so i ended up pressing it into my tart pan. 

I was intending to make my own jam - rose petal, in fact - but I wasn't able to find roses that could be guaranteed unsprayed in time. I have located a source that will have some for me in a couple of weeks, so stay tuned to see how the jam turns out. I ended up using sour cherry jam that I bought, so this was the easiest step of all!

Now to the filling: It came together easily enough, looked great as I poured it into the pan, spread evenly, I had high hopes. After not quite 30 minutes in the oven, it was quite poofy and quite brown, so I removed it from the oven. After it cooled, I cut into it, and the filling all oozed out. Back into the oven it went for about 15 minutes. After which it was still fairly runny, but I thought it would firm up as it cooled. I was wrong. Finally, after another 20+ minutes it was done on the inside.

I enjoyed this tart, but I wasn't crazy for it. Probably not something I'd make again. 



  1. Sour cherry jam sounds lovely, and your tart came out the dusting of 'icing sugar', as they call it in the UK ;D

  2. Nice looking tart. I wonder if maybe your eggs were extra jumbo? Mine were pretty small and the ratio seemed about right.

  3. Making rose petal jam sounds like a really nice idea....I hope you will be sharing the recipe on that one! Your tart looks very good, also.
    Peace, Stephanie

  4. Rose petal jam sounds absolutely divine. Your tart looks fantastic, great job

  5. love rose petal jam and your tarts look lovely!

  6. And you are a Daring Baker! Woot! Small world! Looking forward to going back to Asheville and stop by your shop!
