Sunday, June 21, 2009

SMS: Not Exactly Butterscotch Cashew Bars

This week's recipe was for butterscotch cashew bars. I knew I'd have a problem when I saw the list of ingredients, because it called for butterscotch chips. We're very dedicated to eating all organic food, and I wasn't sure I'd be able to find organic butterscotch chips. I was right. 

So, I was trying to decide how I could alter the recipe. I thought I could double the other ingredients in the topping, but after a second look, that didn't seem like it would work. I considered using chocolate chips, but I was looking forward to a caramely flavor. So I thought I'd find a recipe for caramel and top the crust with that - caramel is something I've wanted to try my hand at for a ong time. But because I've wanted to try it for so long, I wanted some on its own, without a crust. I didn't want to make one pan with a crust and one without, so I settled for just making caramel. So that I would be making something remotely resembling what the other SMSers were doing, I topped part of my caramel with roasted salted cashews. (The rest of it was topped with fancy sea salt I got from a great little salt/chocolate/flower shop called The Meadow, on a trip to Portland, OR last year).

I found the caramel recipe on the wonderful blog Baking Obsession. It is a variation of an Alice Medrich recipe. I didn't steep my milk with cardamom pods, because I didn't have any - though I think that would be delicious, and I'll definitely do it next time I make these - and I used brown rice syrup to avoid heating honey. These caramels took a whole lot longer to make than I thought they would, but they were worth it. They are delicious!!! Please visit Baking Obsession for the recipe

Thanks to Pamela for chosing this week's recipe - sorry I didn't exactly make it!!! The recipe for butterscotch cashew bars can be found on her blog Cookies with Boys.

Take a look here if you want to see what was supposed to be made this week.


  1. Those caramel squares look perfect! I've always been afraid to try making something like that but yours just looks so delicious.

  2. Your version looks delicious! I love the cute little squares you cut the bars into.

  3. They look simply amazing!! Great job. Thanks for baking along with me this week!!

  4. Caramel + cashews + sea salt = YUM!! :) Great job!

  5. Those look really good too, and a lot healthier, even with all that butter. The Meadow looks like a great little shop, thanks for the link.

  6. Sounds like a great substitution. Kudos to you for sticking to your organic lifestyle!

  7. What neat little squares! They're so perfectly shaped! I've had nothing but trouble when I've tried to make caramel from scratch, looks like it worked for you though, these look great!

  8. Your bars look delicious, and great solution for not using butterscotch chips. And caramel can be tricky (I've burned it), so congratulations!

  9. Ooooohhhh! The caramels look to die for! What a great job and fun idea. My hubby saw your post and wanted to know when I was going to make your recipe. I told him I would if he washes the dishes =)

  10. Good luck with your new blog! And having a bakery someday would be a dream, wouldn't it!! Your cashew caramels look delicious!

  11. Hi Sarah!

    Congratulations on starting your new blog- it looks fantastic! Don't forget to tell Lorelei to change the link to your site on the SMS blogroll so everyone can find you. I wouldn't want anyone to miss out on the opportunity to see all your delicious treats! Great job on the revised caramel bars- they look scrumptious.

    I'd love for you to stop by my site to check out mine, as well, if you have a chance! Can't wait to talk to you again after this Sunday's SMS recipe postings!

