Tuesday, June 23, 2009

TWD: Pineapple...

This week's TWD recipe was for a coconut-roasted pineapple dacquoise. The recipe just didn't appeal to me... Too many eggs... The pineapple part, however, was enticing. After seeing this cake at Smitten Kitchen and finding a ripe pineapple, I knew I had to make it. 

The last time I made a pineapple upside-down cake was when I was 16. It was my grandfather's favorite dessert, and I made it for his birthday. He passed away just over 8 years ago, so I made this cake with him in mind. 

It was a hit. I made it for a family dinner, and it was gobbled up within minutes. The picture above is the second one I made in as many weeks. I made it for my husband for Father's Day (along with blueberries and dumplings, fried green tomatoes and cheese grits - none of which I was able to photograph, unfortunately). Turns out, it's one of his favorites, too!

The cake is delicious - moist, fresh, great texture. It will definitely become a regular in our house.

I used apple juice instead of pineapple as the recipe called for - just because that's what I had. I baked it in a 9" springform as Deb did - my cast iron skillet was too big. 

The first time I made it I didn't have and light brown sugar, so I used granulated for the topping. The second time I did have it, but we agreed that it was better with the granulated. 

The cake is delicious - moist, fresh, great texture. It will definitely become a regular in our house.

Here is the recipe. Visit the TWD blogroll to see some lovely dacquioses, and thanks to Andrea of Andrea in the Kitchen for choosing it and hosting this week. You can find the dacquoise recipe on her blog.


  1. What a pretty cake! I haven't had pineapple upside down cake since I was little. In fact, I'd completely forgotten about it. Thanks for the reminder. I'm glad that your family enjoyed this and you've found a new favorite dessert.

  2. Your cake looks gorgeous!

  3. That looks delicious! I've never made a pineapple upside-down cake, but I learned from the TWD dessert that my boyfriend really likes pineapple, so I should try it. I want to make everything I see on SK.

  4. upside-down cake is the best thing that ever happened to pineapple! yours looks fantastic!!

  5. YUMM! Ya know, I have never actually tried pineapple upside down cakey... but even so, after seeing this picture I'm craving it a bit right now

  6. Hi, I just found your blog and wanted to say HI. I live in NC, also. Asheville is so beautiful!! Your baked goods look delicious. How is it your two year old as never eaten sugar with all the baking you do?!?
    Peace, Stephanie

  7. a cake tatin with pineapple. It looks scrumptious!

  8. you should try the pineapple upside down cake in my blog - the toffee bits make it amazing!
