Monday, June 1, 2009

Sweet Melissa Sundays: Bee Stings (one day late)

I almost didn't make these - one look at the word doughnut in their description and my mind was nearly made up. I can't stand the things. But then I kept reading, and saw that they are really more like brioche, which I love, so I went ahead with them.

I posting one day late due to poor time management: I neglected to read through the entire recipe until I started making them, so I didn't know they had to rest overnight in the fridge before their final rise and baking. Anyway, I finished them up this morning, and I am so glad I went ahead with them.

The bun itself is delicious: tender, light, barely sweet. I will certainly be making these again, with or without the other elements. Though like many other bakers, I found that the dough needed quite a bit of extra flour. 

The recipe called for pastry cream, but to simplify matters, I used fresh whipped cream. I thought it was delicious, and kept with the lightness of the treat. 

The caramel glaze was heavenly. I licked every last drop of it off of everything it was on. Actually, I liked it better on its own than on the bun. It had a very subtle flavor that I thought was lost when paired with the brioche.  

Thanks to Jamie from Good Eats and Sweet Treats for picking this fantastic treat. Visit her blog for the recipe, and be sure to take a look at the other SMS bakers' blogs for their bee stings.


  1. Your bee stings look perfect! Great job!

  2. Your bee stings turned out great. Nice color. Whipped cream filling sounds nice too. I almost didn't make them for the same reason (overnight refrigeration) but then decided to simply skip it which worked fine.

  3. Your bee stings look great! Whipped cream sounds like a great sub. I'm glad they worked out for you.

  4. Your Bee Stings look fantastic! I kind of want to make the caramel topping for something else (no idea what, though), after reading your glowing review. Nice work!

  5. Cream is a lovely idea, you stings look lovely!

    Katie xox

  6. It's so nice to read a post where the Bee Stings actually turned out great!
