Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Tuesdays with Dorie: Cinnamon Circles

This week's pick for Tuesday's with Dorie - which I just found out I am a member of after all! - was cinnamon squares. In all honesty, the sound of it didn't really excite me, and I almost didn't make them. I went ahead, however, mainly because of the great reviews they were getting by the other TWD bakers. As always, I'm really happy I made them despite my reservations.

What you see above isn't exactly what I had planned for this dessert. I was going to make a roulade.

I've never made a roulade before, so I looked to the internet for a little advice. There were different methods out there, but I decided to use one that said to roll the cake initially when it's warm, let it cool completely, then unroll it, fill it and roll it back up. Seemed simple enough, but when I went to roll it cracked into three pieces. I don't know if my cake was too thick - about 1" - if it was too warm, too cool or something else, but a roulade was clearly out of the question.

The only way I could see to salvage my cake was to make mini layered ones out of it. So I pulled out my biscuit cutter and cut my cake into 10 circles. Then I spread a layer of frosting, sprinkled the sugar mixture, topped that with chocolate, added my top circle, frosted that, and voila! Something that looks remarkably as it was intended to, but with double the work! 

It was delicious, however. I loved the cake on its own, and I loved it with the frosting. I'm sure I'll make it again, but probably closer to the holidays. 

You can find the recipe on Tracey's blog, Tracey's Culinary Adventures. Be sure to take a look at the TWD blogroll to see all of the other yummy variations of this recipe.

1 comment:

  1. I love your little round cakes, they're so so cute! The recipe sounds delish too :)

    Katie xox
