Monday, September 7, 2009

Bettter than Brownie Cookies (with a hint of orange)

As soon as I saw these on Tracey's blog a week or so ago, I knew I had to make them. And soon. I was not wrong. Though I'm warning you now, you might not want to make them. Because you'll eat them all. In minutes.

Anything that claims to be better than a brownie has a lot to live up to. Especially in my house. These cookies did not disappoint. They are basically a brownie batter with chocolate chunks in it that is baked like a cookie. I'm not sure I'd agree that they are better than a brownie, but I would say that they are equally as good. And they are fantastic.

The only change I made to the recipe was to replace the vanilla extract with orange extract. There is a bakery near the town I live in that has the most delicious chocolate chocolate orange cookies, and I was hoping to recapture the flavor of them. These were better. I think they would also be great with espresso, nibs, coconut, mint, or as written with vanilla extract. I will (perhaps unfortunately) be making these again. And again. And again...

You can find the recipe here.


  1. Thanks for yet ANOTHER yummy brownie type recipe!! People who love the corner pieces on a pan of brownies would probably think these are better than brownies because every cookie is probably like a brownie corner!!
    Peace, Stephanie

  2. I'm so glad you liked them Sarah! They were too rich for me, but my husband gobbled them all up happily :)

  3. These look so good, will try them next week for my boss's birthday! He love anything chocolate, LOL.

  4. This. Looks. Delicious. Can't wait to try the recipe!!!

  5. If these are the same as the Brown Eyed Baker's, you are so right. They are delicious. They are on the top of my cookie list. If you love brownies and chocolate cookies, one has to love these.

  6. I will have to try these cookies very very soon - how did they do on the second or third day? I'm thinking of baking them and bringing to my brother and sister next week.
