Tuesday, September 8, 2009

TWD: Chocolate Souffle

And now for the second chocolate souffle of the week! This one was picked by Susan of She's Becoming DoughMessTic. I'm kind of glad we both chose souffles in the same week, because it gave me a chance to compare the two, and I am becoming quite proficient at making meringue.

I made a quarter recipe of this one, and baked it in a jadeite chili/cereal bowl with about a 12oz capacity. Thanks to Nancy of The Dogs Eat the Crumbs for posting measurements for a quarter recipe, and keeping me from having to think too much!

Melissa and Dorie's recipes are quite similar, but there were a few main differences that I saw. One was that in the Sweet Melissa recipe calls for beating the egg yolks with half of the sugar until they double in volume, while Dorie just has you whisk them into the melted chocolate. I prefer the latter method, as it means one less dirty bowl... Melissa's recipe is flavored with Grand Marnier and orange zest, while Dorie's is purely chocolate. The other difference was that Melissa's recipe calls for butter and Dorie's has milk.

My little souffle baked for 20 minutes and came out perfectly done with a nice rise. I rushed to photograph it, then took a bite while it was still warm. Mmm... Really delicious. Much more chocolatey than the fallen chocolate souffle cake, and very much like a light and airy brownie. I got the crust that I was missing from the cake, and all in all really liked this recipe. This I would make again. I would be interested to see how this one would be as a fallen cake, because I love that idea.

I'm not sure why I liked this one so much better than the fallen chocolate souffle cake - it could have been that my expectations were very low - but it was gobbled up just minutes out of the oven, while I still have half of the other one dying in my fridge - though the texture certainly played a big part in my opinion. The cake was all the same texture, while this one had a wonderful crispy crust.

The only criticism I have is that it was a little sweet. So next time I make it I'll reduce the sugar.

Thanks to Susan for hosting this week. The chocolate souffle recipe can be found on her blog.


  1. gorgeous! and i LOVE your jadeite bowl...drool...

  2. This looks FABULOUS. I have an obsession with molten chocolate cakes, but I've always been afraid to try a souffle. Some day!

  3. Your Chocolate Souffle looks so beautiful in your jadeite bowl! I'm a bit jealous that your souffle didn't fall when it came out of the oven too! =) I agree about it tasting like a light and airy brownie - yum!

  4. Your souffle is gorgeous! As is the dish it is in. Doesn't look like it fell at all (unlike mine). It was delicious though!

  5. FANTASTIC looking souffle! And that jadeite! Wow.... love that stuff. Very nicely done! I just ordered Melissa's book - I'm anxious to try some recipes - looks like there was a bit of a crossover this week with Melissa and Dorie. Nicely done!!!

  6. I totally loved these too... and after reading a bit about SMS's souffle, this sounds like the easier choice as well (and maybe not as bad for you?). Gorgeous job!

  7. Looks beautiful! I love the dish you baked it in. How fun to be able to compare the 2 souffle's in one week.

  8. I liked it better too- maybe something about it being hot from the oven?

  9. hey there! Thanks for baking a SECOND souffle in one week! I am now following you on Twitter - be advised, it's a time suck!

    Of course, now i have added granola bars to my "free time" thanks to your blog, so perhaps the internet in general is a time suck. Of course it is.
    Thanks for baking along with me!

  10. Wow, you got a beautiful puff on your souffle, great job! I really liked the SMS one, but this one was just amazing. To answer your question about the cheese souffle, I don't think they're terribly eggy tasty. I like eggs now, but I didn't when I was a child and I loved cheese souffles then.

  11. It's so funny that there were 2 souffles in baking groups this week! What are the chances? Glad you loved this one, it looks delicious.

  12. So pretty! I loved this recipe. It was so simple.

  13. Great looking souffle. They were sweet, but surprisingly easy. Definitely a keeper.

    Love the jadite dish.
