Sunday, September 13, 2009

SMS: Perfect Pound Cake with Maple Caramel Sauce

Goodness, I'm late in posting this! I didn't wait until the last minute to make something for a baking group - for once - but there were other problems in getting this post up. Namely that a few days ago my wallet, phone and camera were all stolen. Luckily, everything is replaceable, and I now have an excuse to buy a dSLR! Until that happens, I'm borrowing my mom's camera which I didn't get up and running until late this afternoon.

As usual, I made some adjustments so that there was no refined sugar in the recipe. I used 1/2 cup agave in place of the sugar, used 2 cups AP flour and 2 eggs. I baked my batter in 3 mini loaf pans.

I really love a good pound cake, and while I did really like this one, it wasn't spectacular to me. It could have been due to the substitutions I made, though. It had a pretty good flavor, and a pretty good crumb, just not spectacular. Enter: maple caramel sauce.

A few days ago I made these cinnamon roll biscuits. They were unbelievable and so easy and quick to make. I may never make a yeasted cinnamon roll again. Unfortunately, I didn't get to post them, due to the lack of camera. Don't worry, I'll make them again. Soon. Anyway, I made the cinnamon rolls refined sugar free too, and when trying to figure out what to top them with that didn't have sugar I came up with this sauce. It is ridiculous. I think I ate more with a spoon than on my cinnamon rolls. It was so good that I had to remake it when I felt the pound cake needed a little punch. It did the trick.

Maple Caramel Sauce

1/3 cup maple syrup
1/6 cup heavy cream
2 tsp butter, cut into small pieces
pinch of salt

Bring maple syrup to a boil. Let it boil for 5 minutes, until thickened and frothy looking. Pour in heavy cream and stir until it settles down - it will spit and rise when the cream is added. Add the butter a couple pieces at a time, stir until melted. Stir in salt. Serve. I haven't tried yet, but I think this would make fabulous caramels given more time to thicken.

Thanks to Michele of Veggie Num Nums for picking this yummy recipe, which can be found on her blog.


  1. Those little cakes look lovely. And, they look even lovelier with that sauce drizzled over them!

  2. I'm so sorry that your items were stolen. The cake looks good and that sauce sounds heavenly.

  3. I'm so sorry that your things were stolen - it always sucks. The cakes look very good though!

  4. Oh my word, that maple caramel sauce sounds like the best thing ever to top this cake with! Your minis look great with or without the sauce though :) Glad you were able to borrow your mom's camera and get photos today. Hope you get that dSLR soon!!

  5. The maple caramel sauce sounds heavenly.

  6. Pretty good is a good way to describe this pound cake, I felt the same way about it. Yours looks awesome with the maple caramel sauce, that sounds like it is capable of escalating any dessert. Sorry about your camera, etc., an excuse to buy a DSLR is a good silver lining to an unfortunate incident like that.

  7. Your poundcakes look yummy and the maple caramel sauce is something I am going to have to try. I had to skip this week. Hope to have cookbook by next week.

  8. I love the idea of the maple caramel sauce. Also, I am looking forward to trying a recipe with agave nectar sometime soon. Can you give me the conversions you use?

    So sorry about your items being stolen!!

  9. Oh, there is nothing like maple syrup and butter! It sounds delicious! Sorry your cake didn't wow you.

  10. Oh my goodness - maple caramel sauce??! That sounds incredible!!! What a fab addition and I really have to try that sauce instantly as it just sounds too delish for words! x

  11. So sorry to hear your things were stolen. I'd have been devastated, hope you had a hassle free time replacing everything :(

    Your cake looks amazing, the caramel sounds like an excellent addition!

    Katie xox

  12. you last picture make my baking heart sing!!

  13. Sorry to hear about your stolen items.
    I'm glad you liked the pound cake, even though it wasn't spectacular.
    And welcome to Twitter. Will have to follow you once I log on tonight from home. You can follow me too:

  14. Wow. That looks beautiful with the sauce drizzled over. Perhaps with a nice cup of decaf? Love it!

  15. I'm so sorry to hear about the stolen items. I've had the same things stolen from me a couple of times. Yup, they're all replaceable, but it's a headache nonetheless.
    The pound cake looks lovely, and I just love that you jazzed it up with the maple syrup. What a fantastic idea!

  16. Maple caramel sauce, wow, yummy sounding to me!!! Will have to try that next time.

  17. Lovely pound cakes. And I sent my mom a link to your blog and your email address. She's really excited about cutting out refined sugars! Bummer about stolen stuff! We've been in our house less than three years, and our car has been broken into twice (my poor ipod!), our Christmas lights have been stolen, and our lawn mower has been stolen! It makes you feel so gross!

  18. The maple caramel sauce does look delicious. Unfortunately, we've painted ourselves into a corner with the "only local" theme. I doubt anyone in Oregon produces maple syrup! Maybe I'll have to cheat!

  19. I'm sorry this wasn't one of your favorites. But, thank you SO much for baking with me!!
