Tuesday, September 15, 2009

TWD: Flaky Apple Turnovers

Fall is definitely on its way, and how better to usher it in than with apple turnovers!

This is a really easy recipe to put together, and very versatile. Any number of fruits could be used in place of apples.

I enjoyed these turnovers, but the crust wasn't quite what I was hoping for. It just wasn't crispy enough, and the flavor was a bit bland. It could have been my fault, because I didn't have sour cream, so I used yogurt in its stead. I don't know. Perhaps I'll try again sometime with sour cream and see if the results are any better.

My son loved these, however, and would have eaten 10 if I'd let him. Actually, he made his own blackberry version - he rolled the dough entirely by himself, and sealed the turnover, too. His little blackberry turnover is pictured with David Lebovitz's fresh mint ice cream from The Perfect Scoop. It doesn't look like mint, because I sweetened it with palm sugar which is fairly dark brown in color, but it was very minty tasting, and delicious.

Thanks to Julie of Someone's in the Kitchen for hosting this week. The recipe for these turnovers can be found on her blog. You can see everyone else's turnovers here.


  1. What a delicious pairing- the blackberries and mint! Your turnovers look gorgeous- too bad the dough didn't rock your world.

  2. I love your son's effort - such a cute turnover - and I think I'd like his filling better than the apple one that I made (it was too bland) The mint ice cream also looks/sounds great, but I'd have to keep it on separate sides of the plate from the blackberry too! I added a pinch of salt to the crust which helped, I think.

  3. Your turnovers are lovely! I had all kinds of problems with the dough this week and unfortunately, the turnovers were a disappointment for me. I agree with you - bland dough and mine wasn't flaky. I'll have to try again though since most people seem to have liked them.

  4. Love the idea of blackberries and mint, and your son's (and yours) turnover is darling.

  5. These really look so pretty/perfect I don't know how you do it!

  6. This comment is for your son: Your turnover looks really really good and I would love to have one of these for myself! I like the color and the shape and you did a very nice job of it all. Blackberries are one of my favorites so I can just imagine how wonderful that all tasted. Great job!

  7. I'm loving your turnovers. They are the PERFECT shape (unlike my too small circles!) And that ice cream...yum!!! -mary the food librarian

  8. both of you did a great job with the turnovers. I like making these. Think I will up the flavor next time.

    Yours look great.

  9. Your son's turnover is the cutest, glad he enjoyed it! I sub yogurt for sour cream a lot since I more often have it around, but I was afraid to tamper with the pastry dough. Sorry they were a bit disappointing for you.

  10. Too cute, his turnover is great. I too a hard time with the dough, it seems to be 50/50 there for everyone. The addition of the jam for me really helped them along.

  11. I'm sorry that these weren't a big hit for you. I loved them, and I'm not generally a huge fan of things like this (much prefer something with chocolate), so I say definitely try them again when the mood strikes you.
    I'm glad that your son enjoyed them, and his turnover looks fabulous. I'm very impressed.

  12. That's wonderful your son bakes with you! I love baking with my daughter even if things get a little messy! The turnover look delicious.

  13. Great turnovers, by both you and your son! :o)

  14. Sorry you didn't love these, but I'm glad your son did! I actually used (Greek) yogurt in mine, because I didn't have sour cream either.
