Tuesday, October 13, 2009

TWD: Apple Allspice Crumb Muffins

For once, I got a really early start on a TWD treat. I made these muffins for the first time about a week ago. They were fast and easy, especially because the ingredients in the crumb topping and the muffin itself are very similar. I got them mixed up, poured into the muffin cups and popped them in the oven in record time. Then I started to clean up. I put away the allspice, I returned the butter to the fridge, I grabbed the baking powder to - wait a minute: baking powder, baking powder... I didn't remember opening the jar of baking powder, let alone measuring it and adding it to the dry ingredients. What to do? I pulled my muffins out of the oven, scraped as much of the topping off as I could, and sprinkled 1/4 teaspoon baking powder in each muffin cup of batter. I stirred them up, re-sprinkled my topping, put them back in the oven and hoped for the best. About 25 minutes later, I pulled them out, and though they weren't terribly attractive, they had risen nicely. Phew!

Cutting into one, I saw that they were nice and moist and perfectly done. My son and I shared one and we both loved it! The muffin itself is barely sweet, and has a very delicate flavor that pairs beautifully with the stronger, sweeter crumble topping. I added an apple to mine, and I loved the combination of the sweet, tart apple with the allspice. A perfect Fall breakfast. My son devoured his half then asked for another. And another. They were gone within hours.

I was not at all unhappy, then, that I had to remake them today in order to photograph them. They look a whole lot better than the last batch, but taste just as divine.

The only change I made to the recipe (aside from adding an apple) was to up the flour in the crumb topping - I almost doubled it. This resulted in a wonderful texture that maintained its shape in the oven. Oh, I also melted my butter instead of cutting it in - it is just so easy that way!

So when all was said and done, I was still running behind this week, but how lucky that we got to enjoy these delicious muffins twice!

Thanks so much to the wonderful Kayte of Grandma's Kitchen Table for picking this fabulous recipe. It is sure to become a regular in my house!

Oh, and if you like a good crumble topping - and I can't imagine that there is anyone who doesn't - take a look at these. They are basically a huge cookie made out of nothing but crumble dough!


  1. These DO look like the perfect Fall breakfast!

  2. Those look amazingly delicious. The crumb topping looks perfect. Glad you both enjoyed them.

  3. Your muffins look absolutely gorgeous! Nice save on the first batch- thats great that they turned out yummy.

  4. What a great save for the first round of baking these muffins and I love your additions to the recipe. The second go looks great and sounds just as yummy!

  5. Muffins look great and I love your quick fix re the baking powder. I would have enjoyed seeing photos of that batch, too. Isn't it fun to hear what goes on in other people's kitchens each week...my favorite part. Always a giggle. Your second batch looks fantastic and I love all that green! Apples are going to be my next addition also. Thanks for baking with me...it's always great when I get to bake with you. Too bad I missed that apple cake.

  6. mmm...the addition of apple sounds great!

  7. Absolutely gorgeous, and what a great idea to add an apple. I'll remember that! What a great idea on doubling the flour for the crumb topping. It looks great on your muffins. Will remember that too.

  8. I love, love, love your photos Sarah!! The muffins look awesome. Can you believe that I forgot to add the apples to my muffins, especially after I specifically asked you about them? I am going to make these again soon. They were great, but I think apples (and maybe some cinnamon) would make them ever better!

  9. The crumb topping turned out beautiful. I would have no problem making these twice, they were so good.

  10. The apple sounds like a great idea, and the muffins look great! We really liked these, too.

  11. Oh, I've done that! Who among us hasn't? Nice that you had a "save" up your sleeve...I'm not sure I would have thought to just add a little baking powder after the fact.

    You make a strong case for trying these muffins. I love a good crumb topping and it sounds like the topping plays a very important role in these. Thanks for the review and the chuckle. :D


  12. Those look so nice! No wonder your son kept eating them

  13. Your topping looks so great! What a hassle to add the baking powder to each muffin, but at least you saved them.

    I already had my eye on those crumbly cookies!

  14. Well, I'm jealous! Look how perfect those muffins are! Just like those little Drakes coffee cakes. Nice!

  15. your muffins look great! I can't believe you made them again to photograph--they were really good though so I understand. :P
