Friday, October 23, 2009

Mexican Wedding Cookies

I've been in a bit of a funk lately. Maybe it's the change of the weather, I don't know. I do know that I haven't posted in a while, though I have been baking a lot. Cookies are a real comfort food for me - case in point, I have 4 different types of cookie dough in my fridge. I love to eat them, of course, but they are also incredibly satisfying to make. Often, when I can't decide what to bake I go with some type of cookie. So, when I wanted to bake something last night, my mind went to cookies and for some reason Mexican Wedding Cookies popped in.

I've never made Mexican Wedding Cookies, though I have always loved eating them. I love how the powdered sugar coating is cool at first, then melts on your tongue, giving way to a crumbly center that is nutty and barely sweet. There is something very pleasurable about the whole thing. The first recipe I came across was from Saveur, and after looking at several other recipes, I decided to go with it due to its simplicity in ingredients and method.

The results did not disappoint! There is nothing fancy about a Mexican Wedding Cookie. These were everything I expected and hoped that they would be. The perfect crumbly texture, the nutty flavorThey are simple and humble, though delicious and extremely satisfying. And addictive. Perfect with a cup of coffee.

Mexican Wedding Cookies
adapted from Saveur

1/2 cup unsalted butter
2 tablespoons confectioners sugar + more for coating cookies
1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract
1 cup unbleached white flour
1/4 teaspoon salt
1 cup coarsely ground pecans

Preheat oven to 375. In the bowl of a stand mixer, cream butter until fluffy. Add confectioners sugar and vanilla and beat for 1-2 minutes. Gradually add flour, mixing until just incorporated with each addition, adding the salt with the first addition. When all of the flour has been added, stir in the ground nuts. Make balls that are 1 tablespoon each and place them 1" apart on a baking sheet that has been lined in parchment. Bake for 15 minutes. Place baking sheet on rack and allow the cookies to cool completely. When cool, coat cookies in confectioners sugar. Makes about 20.


  1. One of my all time favorites. I don't think wedding, but Christmas. Yours look delightful.

  2. I have to admit these are one of my favorite cookies! Yours look so inviting. I could eat a few right now and be happy!

  3. I have to admit these are one of my favorite cookies. Yours look perfect. I would love one right now as a snack!

  4. Mark just loves these. I try to make them at Christmas time, but I am sure he would be happy if I made them all year. I am copying your recipe to is slightly different than mine. Always love the research. Your cookies look wonderful and I love the little bowl they are sitting in, too.

  5. Mexican Wedding Cookies or Sand Tarts as they are also referred to, are a huge favorite with my hubs. He is a Texan. They love those in the south. I love them too. You have very good taste. hehe. Keep it up.
    :-) I ran across a version in Regan Daily's "The Sweet Kitchen" and she uses maple syrup in hers. I've wanted to make hers for years and just never have. I think you have inspired me. Thx

  6. It is one of my favorite cookies as well. What I love thru the holidays when my mom makes these, she put hersey kisses in 'em. DELICIOUS!

  7. I love these cookies. great job!

  8. These are one of my favorite cookies too (well I've never tried this particular recipe, but you know what I mean) :) Yours look wonderful!

    Hope you're feeling better. I've been there too and it's never fun, but I find that it usually passes before too long.

  9. Do you mean one cup already coarsely ground, or one cup of pecans whole, before grinding?
