Sunday, April 18, 2010

TWD: Swedish Visiting Cake

I know I'm a little late posting this cake - it was the TWD pick from last week - but I was at the beach, so I didn't get a chance to make it until now. More on the beach later, for now, it's all about the cake. I've paused on the picture of this cake in Baking from My Home to Yours many times, and have been intrigued by its humble appearance, simple ingredients and the harming story that accompanies it.

Dorie was introduced to this cake by a friend who described it as being so easy you can start making it when you see company coming up the driveway, and have it ready to serve by the time they sit down to coffee. It's true! It is a one-bowl cake that is mixed by hand, then baked and served in a cast iron skillet. What could be easier?!

Not only is this cake easy to make, it is delicious. Unbelievably delicious. In fact, it is one of the best cakes I've ever eaten. It isn't too sweet, it has a subtle almond flavor, a delicious paper-thin sugar crust, crunchy outer edge and a light citrus zing. There are no chemical leaveners in this cake, resulting in a texture that is moist and dense, chewy even.

Chances are, you have all of the ingredients for this cake in your pantry, so rush right into your kitchen! You won't be sorry!

This cake was chosen by one of my favorite bloggers, Nancy. She has not one, but two fantastic blogs - The Dogs Eat the Crumbs and The Corner Loaf. The latter is devoted solely to bread. Everything she makes is beautiful, and she writes the most thoughtful and descriptive posts. If you haven't read her blogs before, you must check them out! The recipe for this cake is posted on The Dogs Eat the Crumbs.


  1. I love that plate that you served this cake on! I was truly surprised by this one; I absolutely loved it!

  2. Good to know that I'm not the only one posting this so late. =P I love the pan you baked it in.

  3. IT was an easy and lovely cake, wasn't it. Love the little bird plate. So cute.

  4. You turned out one of the prettiest cakes I've seen (shhh, don't tell anyone I said that!) - that skillet is very cool. You can really see the moistness of the cake in your photos. I was frustrated that my cake was moist but looked dry. Even Dorie's did. Good job, you!

    Thanks for your kind words and thanks for baking along with me this week.

  5. This was such a wonderful dessert. I will make it again and again! Love your pan! And, your cake looks perfect! :)

  6. I love this fabulously easy recipe and that adorable birdy cake plate!!

  7. Late? Are you kidding with that...never late, sometimes it takes me this long to just get around to commenting, so I appreciate the timely manner with which you chose to post this week. Make you feel better? I hope so. Your cake looks amazingly perfect and delicious. I can't be making this too often, b/c I would eat way way too much of it each time.

  8. Such beautiful photos of a simple, lovely cake.

  9. This is a perfect cake. I have her book and it never fails to satisfies! Everyone! Please click on the recipes and start baking. :)
