Tuesday, April 20, 2010

TWD: Sweet Cream Biscuits

Got 5 minutes? Then you have enough time to mix, roll and cut these biscuits and pop them into the oven. They are that quick.

I was very pleased to see these as a TWD selection this month. I love biscuits. I was raised on biscuits. We have biscuits at every family function. Small fights break out over who gets the last one. We're biscuit people.

I made these particular biscuits for the first time last summer, and have probably baked them a dozen or more times since. They are just so simple, so fast, so delicious.

That first time I made them I was skeptical, I'll admit. I didn't think they would have the satisfactory fluffy interior, the crispy edges that constitute the perfect biscuit. It was one of the most magical oven transformations I have ever seen. I continue to be awed every time I bake them. I won't say that these are the perfect biscuit - though they're close - but they are perfect for when you're short on time, and considering the minimal effort that is put into these, the result is fairly spectacular.

These biscuits are light, tall and fluffy, with a melt-in-your mouth creamy and tender interior. The edges are crispy, and though they are more delicate than a butter biscuit, they will still stand up to a good drenching in honey.

I omitted the sugar - biscuits shouldn't be sweet, in my opinion - and upped the salt a bit, and used white whole wheat flour. I also used closer to 1 1/4 cup cream - the upper end of the range Dorie gives in the recipe.

These will never replace a butter biscuit for me, but they certainly hold their own, and will continue to be a regular breakfast goody in my house!

Thanks to Melissa from Love at First Bite for hosting this week. This fantastic and simple recipe can be found on her blog.


  1. They look great, so so tall! You are biscuit wizard, no doubt about it.

  2. great photo. the wood planks, the colored plate, the beautifully browned biscuits. perfection.

  3. They look perfect! Just perfect!

  4. they look great! and I LOVE your jadeite dish

  5. Those are nice biscuits-now what would you have them accompany? Thanks!

  6. Tupper Cooks! - Thanks! Gosh, anything! I enjoy biscuits most with butter & honey, or mustard, cheese & veggie sausage.

  7. I worship biscuits. These look absolutely tall and perfect!

    I bet these would be great with some jam sandwiched in between and a nice cup of coffee. Or even at dinner with a piece of chicken and some vegetables. Biscuits rule.

  8. I love biscuits......these look just amazing....now all we need is some good butter and jam...sigh

  9. Your biscuits look amazing. They are so adorable all puffed up. I really enjoyed these too.

  10. You have superstar biscuits Sarah!! Look how tall and fluffy they are! I think I need lessons from some of you Southern gals on baking biscuits. We didn't have them much growing up and I can't seem to make them properly, no matter which recipe I use :)

  11. I'd never made biscuits without butter before, either, and I was pleasantly surprised by this recipe. Your biscuits look amazing. I can tell from the picture that they must have tasted just wonderful.

  12. The biscuits look wonderful. I found your blog by chance and planned only to say hello. I decided to look at some of your other posts and stayed much longer than I planned. I really like your what you are doing here and will be back often. I hope you are having a wonderful day. Blessings...Mary

  13. They look wonderful...I'm wondering if you roll the dough out thicker than 1/2 inch to get them so tall?

  14. myrecessionkitchen - They may have been a little thicker than 1/2", but not much - they just rose like crazy! They were around 2" tall when they came out of the oven.

  15. biscuits on saturday morning..oh yum..great recipe


  16. Those are some pretty biscuits there...

  17. I'm not very experienced at baking biscuits, so I was excited that this was not a butter recipe. And that it was so good! I love your changes = cutting out the sugar and adding in whole grains are wonderful adaptations of this recipe.
