Sunday, October 25, 2009

SMS: Devil's Food Cake with Peanut Butter Frosting

I haven't had the best luck with Devil's Food Cakes (or other chocolate cakes). Though I LOVE chocolate, I don't often think chocolate cake is very tasty. I was curious to see how this chocolate cake would measure up.

I was planning on making cupcakes, though once I started pulling out ingredients, I realized - I thought - that I was out of cupcake liners. I later remembered I had bought some last week, but by that time it was too late. I decided to bake my cake in a bundt pan instead of 2 9" pans, and thought I could do a variation on the frosting to pour over the top of the cake.

I didn't have any sour cream, so I used 1/2 cup buttermilk in its place, which seemed to work just fine. Also, instead of brewing coffee, I used 1 tablespoon instant espresso in 1 1/3 cup boiling water.

The batter just about filled my bundt pan up, and I had high hopes as I closed the oven door. After baking for 43 minutes, I pulled out my cake and let it cool on a rack. When it was basically cool, I tried to unmold it, and half of the cake got stuck in the pan! Ack! I've only used my bundt pan one other time, and the cake came out perfectly, so I don't know what the problem was. It is a silicone pan, so you're not supposed to have to grease it, but perhaps I should have done so anyway... I ended up carving the misshapen cake with my bread knife into a uniform rounded bundt-like cake that was much smaller than the original.

For the frosting, I put 3/4 cup peanut butter, 1/2 cup powdered sugar, 1/2 cup heavy cream, 1/4 cup water, 1 teaspoon vanilla and 2 tablespoons cream cheese in my mixer and blended on med until it was smooth. I poured it over my cake, and though it wasn't attractive, it was quite tasty.

The cake was nice and moist, rich and chocolatey. The peanut butter frosting was heavenly. Overall, I was very pleased with this cake, and I'll definitely keep it in mind for the next time I need a chocolate cake recipe.

Thanks to Holly of PheMomEnon for this week's pick. You can find the recipe on her blog. Be sure to check out all of the other SMSers cakes here.

Also, there are a few days left to sign up for Secret Baker, click here for details.


  1. I needed this last week for my birthday!Looks great!!

  2. Your cake looks much better than your description of it! :D Glad you liked it. It is definitely a go to chocolate cake recipe.

  3. Your cake looks much better than your description of it! :D I loved the chocolate cake but found the frosting a bit much with all that butter.

  4. I never thought of baking it in a bundt, it looks amazing!!

    Katie xox

  5. The bundt seems like such a good idea, but it looks pretty regardless! In addition, if it tastes good, who really cares about how it looks!

  6. Beautiful cake! Im glad you were pleased with it. Mine was a flop in looks but in taste it was grand!

  7. Your cake looks great! I love bundts.

  8. Your slice looks wonderful. Glad you found a chocolate cake recipe you like!

  9. How creative to bake it in a bundt pan!

  10. Your cake looks so yummy Sarah! Thanks for sharing the coffee substitution. I didn't get to make this yet, but I was wondering what I should substitute for the coffee since I don't drink it and don't have a coffee maker. Sorry about the bundt problems - always such a bummer when that happens!

  11. The bundt was a great idea! And the frosting sounds wonderful. And you're so right- chocolate cake is kind of tricky. It hard to find a good recipe. I loved the batter for these but haven't had a chance to try the actual cake yet.

  12. From your photo I wouldnt have known that your cake stuck to the pan. It sure does look good.

  13. You would never know you had all those issues with your silicon bundt pan. Your cake looks so moist and delicious! Your frosting sounds decadent too...YUM!

  14. I haven't had peanut butter for a quite a while and I am starting to miss it because of this post! It really looks so yummy!

  15. Bundt cakes are so much fun to make (no fancy decorating necessary), that was a great idea! Yay for a good chocolate cake, too! It's nice to know that buttermilk subs okay for sour cream.

  16. i got silicone bakeware as a christmas gift last year, used it once and never used it again. i would choose my metal bundt pan with a spritz of pam for baking as opposed to silicone. too much fuss, for me anyways. your cake looks delicious though!

  17. I had problems this week too, so you've got my sympathy - but your slice looks perfect!! (and it sounds like you took any disappointments better than I did, haha!) x
