Thursday, November 12, 2009

Secret Baker Round-Up

As you may know if you read this blog, or Tracey's, or Margaret's, the three of us came up with an idea on Twitter one night. We thought, since we do so much reading about things each other make, it would be fun to get to taste something. We decided to call it Secret Baker, like Secret Santa but with baked goods. So fun!

We all made announcements on our respective blogs, and had 20 people sign up!

I used to pick out bakees for everyone, we picked a shipping date and we were off! I asked everyone to send me pictures of the goodies they got, and while not everyone has obliged, here are the pictures I have gotten. If anyone is reading this who hasn't sent me a pic, send it to me and I'll add it to this post.

First up are the goodies I made for Tracey! I couldn't believe I got her to bake for, especially because she was the winner of the giveaway I did a couple of months ago... I was so excited, because she was in on the creation of Secret Baker, so I went all out in baking for her. In addition to the macaroons above, here is what I sent:

Here are some chocolate-dipped peanut butter cookies that were sent to Kara from Lisa... Not sure if they have blogs, maybe they could let me know so I can link them?

These are the delicious Double Ginger Cookies that I received from Di! They were so yummy, I ate 5 within 45 seconds of opening the box... They have crystallized ginger in them - I loooove crystallized ginger - and I will definitely be trying out the recipe! Thanks Di!

Next up, we have Whole Grain Cranberry bread that Beth received from Wendy

Margot went all out, and baked 5 goodies for her bakee Helga (blogger?)! They were: Ginger Oatmeal Cookies, Cranberry Apple Cookies, Caramel Corn, Peanut and Pumpkin Seed Brittle with Pumpkin Pie Spice and Cinnamon Toast Biscotti. Wow Margot, you really outdid yourself!

Some more of Margot's goodies

Mary Ann got these Pumpkin Bars with Cinnamon & White Chocolate Chips From Tessa (blogger?) - so cute in the pumpkin shaped pan!

Di received these Peanut Butter & Jelly Bars from Leslie

Kayte received a lovely loaf of Cranberry Bread from Tracey, {I made my own version of the Cranberry Bread after seeing this picture, here is my post on it} as well as some Spiced Biscotti

I was sent this photo from Ashley, who actually baked these goodies for Margot, though there was no info in the email as to what everything is... Those cookies on the top left look like they could be World Peace Cookies, but I don't know... If Margot or Ashley reads this, let me know and I'll update...

Susan sent me this photo of some Cappuccino Biscotti that she baked for Nina

Wendy was sent S'Mores Bars by Whitney

Lastly, here are some spiced shortbread with pumpkin drizzle baked for Tessa (blogger?) by Kerri

Thanks so much for everyone who took part in the first round of Secret Baker! I had lots of fun and I hope all of you did too!

Feel free to send feedback to me (through email) about your experience and anything we can do to make Secret Baker better/easier/clearer, etc...

If you want to get in on the fun and receive something baked just for you, the second round of Secret Baker is now open! Margaret will be hosting, and it will be a Christmas/holiday cookie exchange. You can sign up by emailing me (, Margaret or Tracey. If you took part in this round, all we need to know is that you are interested. If you are new to Secret Baker, please include your full name, shipping address, email, blog (if applicable), and any food allergies or aversions.

Thanks again everyone!


  1. Great roundup, Sarah. It looks like a fun time was had by all, with lots of yummy goodies to go around!

  2. Very nice round up. I'm glad so many participated and had fun with this. I know I am looking forward to this one.

  3. Nice job, Sarah! So fun to see all the different things that people made. Also, Leslie's blog is Lethally Delicious.

  4. How funny, I must have sent you an email right around the time you posted this. Yes, those were World Peace cookies and they were delicious! The other goodies in the box were oatmeal cookies and brownie chocolate chip cupcakes.

    Yeah, I guess I didn't know where to stop. Since I made so many things, there were a lot of leftovers and I sent my dad some treats too, which I should do more often. I am up for another round, it was a lot of fun.

  5. Thanks, Sarah, great job on this. I'm a little worried that my person did not receive her box as I have not heard from her and I notice that there is not a photo here of what I sent. Do you want to contact her and ask her if she received it? I sent NOE a box at the same time with a small version of what I sent to Kerri and NOE received her box in just two days. Thanks for checking. This was a lot of fun!

  6. Oh- I forgot to send the picture to you! I 'll e-mail you one tonight as I was planning on putting on my blog then as well.

  7. this looks like it was so much fun- I'm going to email you my info so I can participate in the Dec. one!

  8. Bummer, there was no pic from Karen what I sent her. It was pumpkin cranberry bread and hazelnut blondies. I also included the cutest squirrel spreader and fun fall flavors taffy!

  9. Nice round up! Good to know that many participated and enjoyed this!

  10. Thanks for posting this roundup Sarah! You did a fantastic job and so did everyone else from the looks of it - so many diverse and fun treats :) Can't wait for next round!

  11. Thanks Sarah! I received some delicious Pumpkin Ginger Pecan Muffins from Kara. I didn't see a picture, and I didn't think to take a picture when I got them, but they were good!

  12. Awesome job Sarah! I loved doing SB. I didn't get a chance to take pictures of my delicious Blood Orange Poppyseed Muffins from Karen. They were fantastic!
    Thanks again! Can't wait for next month.
